Sustainability Initiatives

We believe that our business operations should be built on principles that will ensure economic, societal and environment benefits.

Our journey will see DIMO as a diversified workforce, diversified products and services, and creating a resilient community to build back and to give back to a living planet. We are committed towards a universal participation, ensuring business development in a sustainable manner, without compromising what our future generations inherit.

The Comprehensive Investment & Master Plan for the water...
Water Projects
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Located just a few kilometres away from the world-renowned....
The Life to Reef – Coral Restoration
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Biodiversity Sri Lanka (BSL) in partnership with the Forest....
The Life Project
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DIMO recently embarked the ‘Life to Our Beaches’ project....
Life to Our Beaches
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As a company that continuously strives to reshape the green.....
Fully Operational Microgrid System
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70% of Sri Lankans live in rural areas; of these, a majority are agriculture....
Developing the Organic Belt & Farmer Empowering Programmes – Agri Business
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DIMO has always recognised the need to impart quality.....
DATS – DIMO Automobile Training School
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IMO Nature Club volunteered at the Community Kitchen which was....
Community Kitchen
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Panama is a coastal village in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka, The...
Celebrating 10th Anniversary – Turtle Conservation Project
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